My index finger turned out really complicated, I didn't like it.
I thought that my thumb turned out the prettiest, I liked it a lot. :)
And here is my right hand, I didn't want to try so hard on it so I just painted them like shiny wrappings' colors. :)
Here is our tree and my gifts. :) Hopefully, there will be lots of gifts right where my fingers are in the left top photo. :)
Yes, this is my extremely pink room and computer, I decided to make a difference this week and took a picture of the polishes I used.
I used Essie - Watermelon and Pastel - 31 for my thumb, Pastel - 52 and Sephora - 51/Leather Boots for index, Pastel - 74 for middle finger, Flormar's white and acrylic paints for ring finger, Pastel - 37 for pinky, plus Flormar Nail Art white and gold and Flormar - 003 on top on all of them.I hope you'll like it. :)